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LT Sweet Nothings Example
The dings come from my own artwork, while inspiration for a few "vintage" looking dings, such as the fist with brass knuckles and the good luck ring, coming from a Johnson Smith & Co advertisement in the January 1933 issue of, "Everyday Science and Mechanics."
The ad is a true gem, with many more unusual woodcut drawings of the period. I was so taken by them I was certain others might be as well; hence, I recreated them here in this dingbat font.
Depicted in the character mapped as the latin lowercase letter x are Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire as they appear on a poster for the movie they starred in which was entitled, "Swing Time." The film, also a gem, I am glad to have caught one afternoon on American Movie Classics, a cable network.
It's very cool and is a nice font. I follow an agreement and will use it carefully. There is a question, but is there the model of a gun used in this font? If so, please teach the name of the gun. I'm sorry in poor English. (I'm Japanese.) I wait for a reply.
Nice dingbat font. The pistol is a nice touch! Keep up the good work!
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