Doing a little "self-googling" (yes I know that's totally dorky) I came across some examples of my "Fonts In Use." It's still really cool to me, not quite like hearing your song on the radio for the first time or anything, but it does have a similar affect.
If you have made something using any of my fonts, I would like to show off your creation in a future post, so email me, nymphont at yahoo dot com! Anyways, onto my discoveries, all of which feature my font LT Chickenhawk [
View, Download and read more about LT Chickenhawk Font].
A personal site/blog using LT Chickenhawk font on their title graphic
A t-shirt design using LT Chickenhawk font. Upon reading the blog I discovered that to the dismay of the t-shirts commisioners, the vendor making the shirts for them ended up replacing the font with a different font. Tango no less, ew! Bummer.
Another site implementing LT Chickenhawk font into their title graphic. Looks nice!
Wow, what an honor to be used in different mediums. Congratulations! :]
Thank you! Many other font designers are probably used to this type of thing, maybe in time I willbe but I still think it's cool! He he.
Hey! I love to use your font <3 Look at my fotolog =)
@SandyLu thanks so much! I bookmarked your site for a future fonts in use post, if thats okay with you of course :) Thanks for sharing
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