Upcoming Font Releases

Upcoming Font Releases Just before placing the finishing touches on the new HappyPhantom Font and Damask Dings 1 Dingbat Font, and making them available for public download, I shared a sneak peek because I was so excited about them. Let me know what you think, hope you will like them!

Damask Dings 1 Font Sample
Damask Dings1 Dingbat Font, a collection of dingbats designed like shapes found in damask prints and patterns. Free for personal use. View more info & download here.

HappyPhantom Font Preview
HappyPhantom a casual slab-serif, free for personal use, view more info & download here.

After posting an image of this font while it was still in-progress and still un-named just a few days ago, I was inspired to get down to business and finish her. I have been so busy "networking" online (make that sidetracked) I have been neglecting my actual "fonting" duties. Prior to resuming and completing this font, it had been a while since I actually spent any substantial amount of time fonting. HappyPhantom had long been neglected, deeply nested inside a folder undisturbed collecting dust, despite being on the top of my "unfinished-fonts-in-progress" list.

Yes, I admit it. I have many more fonts that I left unfinished, and in various stages of completion. Just as I have done with HappyPhantom, I do have all intentions of resuming my other unfinished fonts sometime. But who knows when? I just hope I do eventually complete them!

At times I will get to "fonting," and complete a ridiculous amount of fonts, families and all, in one weekend, or even one day sometimes. I fear though, I may abandon some fonts and not return to working on them, whether I do so intentionally or not. I don't know if this is a good habit to get into, allowing myself to begin an unrelated font project before completing an existing one.

Should I force myself to complete any current font projects before I go about picking up on a new one? No matter how inspired I am about it? Meh. I suppose it's alright, best not get carried away with that practice though I suppose.

Anywho, As the graphic shows, and as I state, I did finish HappyPhantom, finally. It's about time! I hope you likes, I wanted to make a "normal" font version of my decorative-hand-drawn LT Chickenhawk Font, in doing so, the informal slab serif HappyPhantom was born.

After they make their initial debut on dafont.com you can download them free for personal use, also upon their dafont debut, I will also add their zips here so they can be downloaded directly from here as well. Sorry for the teaser, but I just love dafont, that's all. I love seeing how my fonts as well as all the other designer's new fonts fair, and are received on the site's Top100 and themes. Shouldn't be too much longer now! I will keep you posted for sure.

**Oh, did I mention that HappyPhantom has a total of 334 glyphs in like... a lot of ranges :P



Westside Wedding said...

Nymphont you have done it again, these look AMAZING!!!!! I can't wait till they are available for download!!

Moderator said...

Thanks :) I hope you like them :) As soon as dafont.com updates they will be available :)

Nik Coughlin said...

Everything you do is top quality, congrats. Curious, what software do you use?

Moderator said...

Thank you, Just font Creator for fonts that is :)

Anonymous said...

What a fonto-mania i wonder how do you do all this !!!

Moderator said...

He he! I wonder the same thing about other Blogger's! Making fonts and this blog are my hobbies, I love working on both. Thanks again so much.

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I'm Lauren, self-proclaimed "dweeb," and "the coolest person I know." Single mom, making fonts & designing stuff in my free time.

What began as doodling Fraktur during class, as an adult became focused creation of typographic art for print and for screen, including this digital type experiment I call "Nymphont."

I do freelance web and graphic design along with type design. The icons below link to social networks and bookmarking sites that I am involved with.

From the fabulous Las Vegas, Lauren "Nymphont"

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