I rounded up some of the excellent creations that others have made using my fonts. From the simplest and smallest of scale creations to the broadest; I am so happy to have provided something the creators of these images found useful, even if they themselves themselves didn't give it too much thought! My font worked for them. Yes! (I'll take all the good karma points I can get!)
Some of the following images I discovered myself, while others were kindly shared with me by their creators. Please note, most images are shown smaller than their full size. To fully appreciate the images featured , click on them or the links to visit the actual sites they are located on. Thanks again to those who have shared their creations with me :)
Web Design
Cometmoth Photography
Font Used: LT Oksana Font
Font Used: Caviar Dreams Font
deviantART & Other Art
"Simon & Paula" by ~mhawnick001, Bittersweet Irony on deviantART
Font Used: Champagne & Limousines Font
"Love Hate" by ~cxard on deviantART
Font Used: LT White Fang Font
"Happy Birthday dA" by ~mushir on deviantART
Font Used: Champagne & Limousines Font
"Nymphont in 3D" by =Chelfyn on deviantART
Font Used: Champagne & Limousines Font
Logo & Advertising
Logo Design by Lucas Castro for Creative Unity
Font Used: Champagne & Limousines Font
Flyer by Pat! Larochelle of Haute-TensioN
Font Used: Frail & Bedazzled Font

Those are just a few superb examples of how others have put my fonts to use. Have you created something with one of my fonts that you would like to share? Feel free to comment below or contact me if you would like to have your creation featured in a future 'fonts in use' post, I'd love to see your work!