October is breast cancer awareness month as well, so I've rounded up 25 web designs sharing this color combination that are sure to inspire.
Pink and black along with shades of gray make for excellent web design colors. In this roundup you will find a mix of personal sites, flash sites and corporate sites that exemplify how pink and black should be done, along with what I personally liked or think about their design.
Nice shading that creates an interesting light effect on the background.
Rut m.fl
Unique layout with crisp graphics.
Unique layout with crisp graphics.
Flash site which clearly expresses the message intended.
Clear navigation and again nice shading to create lighting effects on the background.
Interesting graphics and great texture
Beautifully simple and nice bold sans-serif type used
Nice flash withe cute illustrations
Manages to include a lot of content and still have a minimal sort of style with the use of simple graphics.
This is one of my favorites, and I don't typically like flash sites. They use beautiful shading and imagery and use flash effectively I think.
Very user-friendly in appearance, feels welcoming, great design.
It's only fitting that Fuel Your Interface would itself have such a fabulous interface. This site has a perfectly organized grid-based layout, everything is clearly defined and easy to identify. I am a big fan of the Fuel Brand websites.
Hey, wait a second, how did this get in here? He he he. (sceencap updated 10/30/09)
Great graphics and animation in this nice design
Wonderful clean and modern design that uses refreshing sans-serif type. Must see flash intro/splash screen. Trust me.
Interesting and unique layout with nice crisp images
Really fun and bright style with an interesting use of flash
Nothing too "unusual" about this design, but its a nice clean web 2.0 style, with gradients used niced to create depth to the menus and other areas.
Another personal favorite of mine. I love the specific tones they used and the interesting photographs of people used. Great design.
Really unique and interesting layout style and cool imagery
Truly one of my favorite web designs ever, I had to include ECTOMACHINE. Love it, absolutely love it.
Lots of content presented in a nice, organized fashion.
The color here borders on purple, but I thought this site was too cute not to show. Love the separation in the design by using different shades on the header, body, and footer.
Very hip/trendy use of imagery and grunge fonts and textures.
I had some hesitation about including this site because of the name, but it's still a perfectly nice layout, and I love the suble flourishes in the background and nice reflection given to the menu.
What better site to end with than the stunning Remix Creative website. Simply marvelous design. Love the extra large text and overall look of this site.
Wait! We're not done yet! I saw this site shortly after posting this, I just had to include it. The Effing Card Company rocks the colors pink and black so well.