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The zip contains 1 font file in Windows TrueType™ format and the ReadMe.txt that defining the Terms of Use/End User License Agreement. Please read the Terms of Use/End User License Agreement as the terms specified within are binding upon download.
The download is licensed free for personal use. Commercial use of this font requires a donation. Donations for the license to use this font commercially can be placed via PayPal using any major credit card, and do not require a PayPal account. Click here if you would like to donate. Email me if you have any questions or need any assistance.
The first release of this font, was November 14, 2009. The font contains a total of 333 characters and the download is in zip format. You can read more about the creation process of this font and my HappyPhantom fonts in my post The Chickenhawk Chronicles: Preface.
Character Example
(not all characters shown)
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