I've been steady Blogger proggin' over the past few weeks. In addition to the template updates, I've been quite busy working on GlitterBurned and the GlitterBurned Blog. GlitterBurned is a showcase gallery of Blogger powered blogs. Gallery news, updates, and articles are shared on the GlitterBurned blog.

Fluid / responsive width content slider on the GlitterBurned Blog.
One thing I am happy with, is the featured content slider I shimmied-up for the GlitterBurned Blog. I created a fluid width slider with on-hover text and clickable-links using CSS and MooTools. I believe it to be relatively cross-browser with the small exception that in IE there is no on-hover text, but linked contents are still clickable.

Pixel-Vixen - designs by Lauren Thompson. Hosted on Blogger :)
Also... I have unveiled and added the actual blog aspect to my Blogger hosted portfolio site, Pixel-Vixen. I wanted to keep it simple and uncluttered, so I implemented a "toggle" content menu, that is, it expands and contracts with a click at the user's discretion. As always, Pixel-Vixen is a work-in-progress and changes in the blog layout and design are guaranteed to come. Still, this is the premise; simple without clutter. That is the idea, and that will remain.
The newly unveiled Pixel-Vixen blog.
In other news? I have been stuck on fonts as well. To be perfectly honest, I am not satisfied with the fonts I have created thus far. There are so many things that I did not anticipate or had not considered. But I have no regrets, I accomplished a goal and have been able to learn from the experience.
There might be a few new fonts to come in the near future as well. Till then, stay tuned and give your life a listen,